I was going through my mobile phone as I have always done when I wake up in the morning as usual going through my social media plat forms. An unsolicited advert popped in with the inscription “EXPLORE BAUCHI” which I had to ignore at that moment for some information’s that i considered more pressing. One week later, the same ads resurfaces for the second time thereby arousing my curiosity to find out what it’s all about. I was astonished by my findings; it was about travelling and tourism which really aligned with my interest. I haven’t concealed my passion for travelling just as I don’t want to miss any chance of exploring the beauty of other people’s cultures, historical monuments in short everything about tourism. When I called one of the contact numbers that I saw on the ads flyer for more inquiries, I wasted no time in deciding to be part of the trip. My first impression of the Yankari trip was a mixed-grill, the first day of the journey was to me awkward at the beginning; coming in contact with people of diverse ethnic groups from different parts of the country. However, my initial move was trying to identify who is who following my earlier conversation with some guys on a WhatsApp group that was created few days to the trip. Chatting was really fun and exciting as we all tried to familiarise before meeting each other; I can’t forget in a hurry people like BOM, my group husband Eric, who almost got married to me via the whatsApp (laugh).

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